BFD Coverage — More photos

7 06 2011

Like I said, it’s always good to cover events with a person who knows what they’re doing with a camera in their hands. We gave you a preview of Matt Maniego’s shots in a our last post, here is another look at some of the shots we were able to get. He’ll be putting them up on his website soon, so for a larger view, check them out there.


You can follow Matt on Twitter @methodikalgee … I do.


BFD Coverage — Pictures

6 06 2011

As always with the majority of my musical endeavors, a major shout out is in effect for my BFAM (brother from another mother) Matt Maniego, of One Time Inc. Here are just a few of the shots he was able to capture. He got other crazy ones, but these are simply awesome.

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All photos are copyrighted and belong to Matthew Maniego and One Time Inc. Don’t make me have to call our lawyers.